Sunday, December 7, 2008


After a couple of years of my feet hurting I finally took the recommendation of a number of people and bought a pair of Superfeet  for $34 about a month ago from Angie at the Alpine Shop in Kirkwood.  I'm glad I did.

Angie explained that (this is the way I understood it)  in this day and age we walk on flat surfaces everywhere we go so the muscles in our feet don't develop like it would if we had to walk on unpaved surfaces.  Our arches need more support and that the inserts in most shoes are just cheep pieces of foam that break down quickly and don't provide the support needed. 

My feet  have felt ten times better ever since.  and I would highly recommend anyone who's feet are bothering then to give them a try.  Angie recommended the Blue ones be cause she described my feet as "meaty" as apposed to the Green ones that my friends recommended. 

I also understand they sometimes help people with back pain.

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