Saturday, May 10, 2008

Speed Racer

Steve and saw I the10:30am showing of Speed Racer at the Wehrenberg Chesterfield Galaxy 14 Cine this morning at on the Mega Screen for $6.00. I forgot how much more enjoyable watching movies on that screen is.

After having heard from three different people that the movie had gotten bad reviews i went in not expecting vary much. Wow, was I that wrong! Fun, fun, fun at the theater. I wouldn't say this was award winning material but they did an outstanding job of turning a Japaneses cartoon, convented to and English cartoon into real life movie.

The movie started off fast, then they seemed to think it was necessary to spend time setting up the rest of the move with a lot of dialog. After that, Just hold on for the ride!

By the way, I think Racer X is also Batman. He might even be a better batman than the current one Warner Brothers is trying to sell us.

Finally, I think i love Trixy

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